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Support Youth Mentoring &

Win a Luxury Supercar Holiday for Two!

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Australia is a charity that provides long-term, one-to-one mentoring programs that help change the course of vulnerable young people’s lives. We are excited to raffle off an opportunity to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime experience to spend a day driving some of the most impressive supercars in the world.

Win the experience of a lifetime for as little as $5!

Our winner along with one friend will enjoy an all-expense-paid luxury getaway for 4 nights, choosing from one of three stunning locations. They will participate in the Prancing Horse Driving Experience, spending a day driving some of the most impressive supercars in the world. This prize package includes return airfares, 5-star accommodation, a hire car, daily breakfast, and a prepaid VISA card.

Supercar holiday not for you? Our winner also has the option to take $15,000 in cashable gold bullion to spend however they want!

We Accept:

Lottery 20 Closes in:


Lottery Closes: October 16

Lottery Drawn: October 18

Winning is easy! All you need to do is select your preferred ticket option, fill in your contact and payment details and then keep an eye on your emails for your tickets to come through. Make sure that you have your phone close by on October 18 as you could be getting that special call!

Popular Ticket Options:

$ 5
  • 1 Ticket
$ 30
  • 10 Tickets
$ 60
  • 30 Tickets
$ 100
  • 50 Tickets

Ticket Prices Now Reduced to Just $5!

We know that times have been tough…taking into consideration  recent increases to the cost of living and with Christmas just passed, we have decided on lowering our ticket prices! Starting from this draw our tickets will now start at just $5

Haven’t received your tickets?

Have you run into a problem while purchasing your tickets? Be sure to let us know so that we can resolve this problem as soon as possible. You can reach us between 9 and 4 on any business day via the below email, phone number, or by sending us a message on our Facebook page.

Email: info@aspirefundraising.com.au

Phone: 1300 081 929

Luxury Supercar Getaway

We have three incredible holiday packages for our winner to choose from, all including the Prancing Horse Driving Experience. Each package is put together for 2 people and includes return flights, 5-star accommodation, a hire car and extra spending money.


The Prancing Horse Driving Experience includes a full day driving a collection of 4 – 6 immaculate supercars. Take in the beauty of your selected location from behind the wheel of some of the most impressive cars in the world. A member of the Prancing Horse team will provide you with instructions and discrete support over UHF two-way radio as they guide you through a 200km + driving experience. 

What package will you choose?

…or take $15,000 in gold bullion instead!

Our Mentoring Programs Help Change Young Lives

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Australia provides long-term, one-to-one mentoring to help change the course of vulnerable young people’s lives.

Young people today face challenges such as discrimination, economic disadvantage, gender inequality, mental illness and much more.

Thanks to your support we are able to run a range of community-based, online and in-school mentoring programs that help vulnerable young people overcome these challenges and build a better future for themselves.

All Ticket Options

$ 5
  • 1 Ticket
$ 10
  • 2 Tickets
$ 15
  • 3 Tickets
$ 20
  • 4 Tickets
$ 25
  • 5 Tickets
$ 30
  • 10 Tickets
$ 40
  • 15 Ticket
$ 50
  • 20 Tickets
$ 60
  • 30 Tickets
$ 80
  • 40 Tickets
$ 100
  • 50 Ticket
$ 150
  • 75 Tickets
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