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  • 1 in 9,300 chance
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  • 1 in 3,100 chance + $10,000 holiday or platinum
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  • 1 in 2,325 chance + $15,000 holiday or platinum
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  • 1 in 1,328 chance + $25,000 holiday or platinum
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Purchase more than one ticket to receive BONUS TICKETS! Doing so is also going to increase the value of your total prize by up to $25,000 in Cashable Platinum Bullion or Holiday Vouchers!

We Accept:

Mercedes-Benz AMG GLB35 SUV

Total Prize pool $160,757.37


Your chance to win a brand new car in the lottery will help Act for Kids keep kids safe, heal from trauma and lead happy lives.

One child is abused or neglected every 11 minutes in Australia. Since 1988, Act for Kids has provided free therapeutic support for thousands of kids and families – but there are still many more who need urgent assistance right now. We need your help in Australia. Enter in our online lottery prize draws and stand with us as we work with our Australian charity partners to raise more funds.

Therapy Services

Enhancing the wellbeing of kids and young people who have experienced trauma or are at risk of harm.

Family Intervention

Support for parents and family members who may be feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope.

Education Services

Early education program for 2.5 – 5 years and a protective behaviours program for 5 – 7 years.

Residential Services

Safe and culturally appropriate home environments for kids and young people within local communities.

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    3 (+1 Bonus) x Tickets in Act for Kids Platinum Class
    1 X $150.00 = $150.00